Archangel Sandalphon

Archangel Sandalphon is depicted in Jewish mythology as the twin brother of Archangel Metatron. His name comes from Hebrew – סנדלפון. It translates as “brother.”

Sandalphon helps with all the processes that have a birth in them. With this archangel we overcome emotional injuries and states of joylessness. Visions return to life and give new strength. Feelings can be allowed again.

God’s law and true love brings Sandalphon to people. He is seen as an angel of love and devotion. Wishes, hopes and dreams become accessible through him again. The courage to realize the existing longings germinates through his influence.

The archangel Sandalphon is the patron of musicians.

In some traditions Sandalphon is considered to be one of the few angels who once incarnated as a human being. According to this, he is said to have led his life on earth as the prophet Elijah.

Themes of Archangel Sandalphon

The themes assigned to this archangel are independence, realization of dreams and finding bliss. He helps in the search for the twin flame and connects male & female energies. Wounds of the heart he heals and helps to forgive.

Energy of Archangel Sandalphon

The energy of Sandalphon is described as deep and delicate at the same time. It manages to make us humans open up again and thus better cope with challenges. The wounds of the heart are healed with its powerful energy. This gives us the power to let go of sad and unfulfilled feelings. Sandalphon combines the gentle energy of the feminine side with the courage and power of the masculine side.

Symbols of Archangel Sandalphon

Sandalphon embodies the combination of something fragile with something strong. Therefore, he is often depicted as gentle and feminine, as well as powerful at the same time. His symbols include:

  • a musical instrument
  • a staff
  • a flame as a symbol of a twin flame
  • a chalice

The musical instrument shows the connection to musicians.
The staff indicates the strength of the archangel.
The flame is often depicted in the background.
The chalice is the symbol of access to feelings.

Color Assignment

The color magenta or coral is assigned to the archangel Sandalphon. Following some traditions he is also assigned to the color red.

All archangels at a glance HERE.