The zodiac sign Leo rules from July 23 to August 22 of a year.
Leo-born people are charming and have a regal demeanor. They are Everybody’s Darling and do not appreciate it when someone withdraws attention from them, are playful and are considered warm-hearted. They appear self-confident and thus convince their counterpart. The zodiac sign Leo symbolizes an attractive charisma. It stands for sublimity, extraversion and wants to influence. The Leo loves nothing more than fame and applause.
- Element: Fire
- Color: Red or orange-red
- Male sign
- Numerology: Number 5
- Planet Assignment: Sun
- Quality: fixed
- Weekday: Sunday

Positive Aspects
The star sign Leo stands for a strong self-confidence, joie de vivre, cordiality and openness. Charming and with a great self-love he meets life. Sporty, willing to take risks, protective and motivating he presents himself. He is a leader, warm-hearted as well as generous.
Negative Aspects
The Leo is very proud, self-centered and tends to be very egotistical. Vain and self-important, he stands out. He tends to megalomania, is incapable of criticism and cannot subordinate himself. The lion must be adored and be the center of attention. Almost theatrically and boastfully he dazzles his fellow men. Lazy and at the same time greedy for power, luxury and wealth he appears. He can be a pasha. Inside him is a gambler, speculator and profligate.
Body regions addressed: Heart, blood circulation, calves and 5th-9th dorsal vertebrae.
- Heart
- Throat complaints
- Abdominal discomfort
Legal Notice About The Diseases
For legal reasons, it is expressly stated at this point that the information given does not include medical advice, diagnosis, recommendation or treatment.
Following the astrological traditions, the mentioned areas belong to the health weak points of the concerned zodiac signs, which can occur, but by no means have to be present.
In case of existing complaints, a doctor or therapist should always be consulted.
The listed overview of the possible diseases has no claim to completeness.
All Zodiac Signs at a glance HERE.