
In astrology, the planets represent important components. They form the basis for the interpretation of a horoscope. Definition Planets are celestial bodies that move around the sun. To receive astronomical planet status, certain international criteria must be met. Depending on current research results, the criteria are revised and adapted. Astrologically these strict guidelines do not weiterlesen | read more:


The sun makes all life on earth possible. It is considered a planet, but is actually a fixed star. General A special event of the sun represents the solar eclipse. Whenever the rare opportunity to do so presents itself on the planet, millions of people look up at the sky and show enthusiasm. Nevertheless, this weiterlesen | read more:


The moon symbolizes the inner being and the psyche. Next to the sun, it is the most important planet. General For some scientists it is quite strictly questionable whether the moon is also a planet by definition. If we would drive 9 x around the earth by car or ship, we have covered the distance weiterlesen | read more:


Mercury represents communication and exchange. The intellect and thinking are attributed to him. General The planet Mercury has cooled since its formation and has contracted accordingly. The shrinking process has left characteristic traces such as curved, cliff-like scarps. Mercury is closest to the Sun, which means we can barely see it from Earth. There is weiterlesen | read more:


Mars is the fighter among the planets. It is our driving engine and stands for activity. General Mars is considered the red planet and is one of the celestial bodies on which another life form was suspected for a long time. However, this was disproved in the mid-60s with the first images. It is a weiterlesen | read more:


Venus represents everything beautiful in our lives. She presents the money, love, luxury, art and taste. General Venus can be seen as a twin sister to Earth in terms of size. However, there are no other similarities. Besides the sun and the moon, it appears to us as the brightest star with the naked eye. weiterlesen | read more:


Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion. The desire for more is fulfilled through him. General On closer inspection, stripes can be seen on the surface of the planet. These are different gases (sulfur and ammonia), which differ in color from each other. These stripes change over a longer period of time. Small roundish weiterlesen | read more:


Saturn is the planet that sets limits for us. Through him we learn to be patient and disciplined. General The planet Saturn is the second largest planet in our solar system and bears the name of the Roman god of agriculture. It is famous for its brightly shining rings, which can already be seen with weiterlesen | read more:


The planet Uranus stands for renewal, change and sudden decisions. He is the revolutionary among the planets. General The planet Uranus was named after the Greek god Uranos, who is said to have been the prince of the gods long before Zeus. Only under very favorable conditions it is visible from Earth with the naked weiterlesen | read more:


The planet Neptune promotes desires and spiritual insights. However, it also represents addiction and abuse. General The planet Neptune is a brilliant blue orb, but has an icy core. It manages to revolve around itself in 16 hours, but takes over a decade to change zodiac signs. It got its name after the sea god weiterlesen | read more:


The planet Pluto promotes the inner forces. Through him it is possible to resist oppression. General Pluto was deprived of planet status after 75 years. It has always been considered the smallest planet. Nevertheless, its influence is astrologically undisputed. He is said to be always out of line. So far it has lived up to weiterlesen | read more: