Ascended Masters

Ascended masters belong to the light beings of the spiritual world. Different areas of life and energies are assigned to them. Similar to the archangels, they have an individual energetic quality. However, they are more direct in their messages and call more strongly for self-initiated changes. Definition The Ascended Masters are beings of light or weiterlesen | read more:

Master El Morya

The Ascended Master of the 1st Divine Ray is El Morya. Overview & Meaning The Ascended Master of the 1st Ray is the Indian-born Prince El Morya. Born in Radjut, he represents the Ray of Divine Will and Power. El Morya guides those seeking advice to their self as well as primordial trust. With his weiterlesen | read more:

Master Confucius

The Ascended Master of the 2nd Divine Ray is Confucius. Overview & Meaning The master and ruler of the 2nd Ray of God is Confucius. Always with a smile on his face, he is known to most people. As a wise spirit he carries above all serenity in his inside. This is often needed in weiterlesen | read more:

Master Lady Rowena

The Ascended Master of the 3rd divine ray is Lady Rowena. Overview & Meaning Master Lady Rowena is the controller of the 3rd divine ray. This ray stands for togetherness, charity and compassion. Thus, the transported energy of the ray is particularly important for interpersonal encounters. True love and true freedom are the central themes weiterlesen | read more:

Master Serapsis Bey

The Ascended Master of the 4th Divine Ray is Serapsis Bey. Overview & Meaning The guide of the ascension flame is Serapis Bey. His energy wants to let man feel and use his own power. As an incarnated angel, the master of the 4th ray transports more clarity about cause and effect. This process is weiterlesen | read more:

Master Hilarion

The Ascended Master of the 5th Divine Ray is Hilarion. Overview & Meaning The ruler and master of the 5th ray is Hilarion. The charismatic monk and healer often retreated into solitude in his earthly existence and has dedicated himself to the healing of people. He always stands up for the well-being of people also weiterlesen | read more:

Master Lady Nada

The Ascended Master of the 6th Divine Ray is Lady Nada. Overview & Meaning The ray of peace, inner strength, unconditional love and gratitude is guided by Lady Nada. It helps to look at what has happened with the necessary distance. This is necessary to promote decision-making that is not purely emotional. With distance, factual weiterlesen | read more:

Master Saint Germain

The Ascended Master of the 7th Divine Ray is Saint Germain. Overview & Meaning The guide and master of the 7th ray is the Count of Saint Germain. This energetic companion stands for devotion, self-love and transformation. With his support, obstructive shackles can be discarded in order to achieve inner freedom. This process is especially weiterlesen | read more:

Master Maha Cohan

The Ascended Master of the 8th Divine Ray is Maha Cohan. Overview & Meaning Maha Cohan is the ascended master of the 8th ray. With his support, the goal is always clear to see. The fog clears and the view becomes sharp. We learn with him the demarcation and the necessary actions that are conducive weiterlesen | read more:

Master Jesus

The Ascended Master of the 9th divine ray is Jesus. Overview & Meaning The Ascended Master of the 9th Ray is Jesus. With his Christ energy he brings truthfulness and unconditional love. The recognition of one’s own truth is made possible. Jesus teaches to align one’s actions according to what is right and really true. weiterlesen | read more:

Master Kuthumi

The Ascended Master of the 10th divine ray is Kuthumi. Overview & Meaning The master of the 10th ray has its roots in India and is Kuthumi. The gentle world teacher helps in the discovery of one’s own gifts. Hidden talents lie dormant in each of us. Sometimes there is an inkling of their existence, weiterlesen | read more:

Master Lord Maitreya

The Ascended Master of the 11th Divine Ray is Lord Maitreya. Overview & Meaning Master Lord Maitreya is wise and has a strong charisma. He is the ruler and ascended master of the 11th ray. The teachings of Lord Maitreya are a synthesis of existence, love and wisdom. He leads people on the right path. weiterlesen | read more: