New Moon 2020

The New Moon 2020 is characterized by a harmonious and motivating energy. New beginnings of professional as well as private nature can start on the new moon day. Likewise, the new moon is a good time to get rid of old vices. The basic mood is pleasant, as the planets Sun and Moon are in a harmonious position to each other. The New Moons 2020 will appear a total of 12x and address quite different topics. They all have in common that they trigger a positive development and are perceived as less tense in contrast to the Full Moon.





Zodiac Sign


January 24, 2020




February 23, 2020




March 24, 2020




April 23, 2020




May 22, 2020




June 21, 2020




July 20, 2020




August 19, 2020




September 17, 2020




October 16, 2020




November 15, 2020




December 14, 2020



Attention: All data refer to the calculations of the place Hamburg, Germany.
The time changes by a few minutes as soon as you are on a different longitude or latitude.

New Moon January 2020

The first new moon of 2020 will take place on January 24, 2020 at 10:41 pm in the zodiac sign Aquarius. We will leave behind constricting ties or contacts that are no longer good for us. New connections will develop that are much more in line with the current zeitgeist. Friendships and group activities will bring variety. New ideas will increase courage and confidence at the beginning of the year. There will be impulses of change and enthusiasm will increase. The need for freedom and an individual development is stronger than all the shackles we have imposed on ourselves in the past weeks or months. The exchange with other people will have an inspiring effect. Although sudden decisions are not always equally beneficial for everyone involved, we will not resist them.

New Moon February 2020

February’s New Moon is expected on February 23, 2020 at 4:31 pm. It is in the zodiac sign of Pisces and will focus on our emotional side. The focus is on our own perception and the strength of our inner impulses. Signals and signs along the way can be understood and profitably incorporated into everyday life. Who uses the new moon in February for a new beginning, will show up emotionally. Above all the spiritual work is supported by the released energies. At the same time, communication will be enhanced and contractual matters will develop favorably. The activity level will rise and will hold unexpected moments of positive development. Dreams and visions have the potential to come true. It is important that none of the participants gets bogged down.

New Moon March 2020

On March 24, the new moon will occur in the zodiac sign Aries at 10:28 am. This is the most eagerly awaited new moon of 2020, and the reason for this is the sign of the zodiac in which it occurs. With Aries the astrological year begins. A new beginning thus, which is to be equated with the calendrical turn of the year. The zodiac sign stands for zest for action, activity and an additional momentum. It is therefore predestined for a new beginning of any kind and is often targeted by connoisseurs. Projects that are to be implemented need power and strength. This is what the quality of time brings along. The inner as well as the outer activity ensures that top performances can develop. The battery does not seem to become empty and this is needed with a new start. Existing ideas can therefore now be particularly well implemented in reality.

New Moon April 2020

April New Moon is expected in the early morning hours on April 23, 2020. At 04:25 am it is in the zodiac sign Taurus and brings pleasant as well as unexpected positive changes. The mini new moon is particularly far from the Earth. The zodiac sign awakens the need for leisureliness and relaxation. In addition, enjoyment becomes more of a focus. De-stressing the life organization is to be. The consciousness is directed to the things which strengthen the well-being and let the life become more comfortable at the same time. We want to decelerate and accept for it that some elements will say goodbye from our life. What is no longer good for us or fully appropriate will be done away with. The time quality contributes to the fact that is questioned, what still fits to the own way of life. New developments will arise, because the needs have changed in the past months.

New Moon May 2020

In May, the new moon in the zodiac sign of Gemini will be on May 22. In the evening hours at 07:38 pm it seems as if the sun and the moon are one. Optimism is running at full speed. We are convinced that our plans can be realized. This inner conviction will release forces and contribute to our success. Although the physical activity is not quite as pronounced as would be desirable, the conversations and exchanges with others will provide solutions. New contacts open up and connections develop. Above all business connections develop and bring the chance for lasting successes. Fellow men will hold impulses ready, which are helpful with the own advancement. The common creative power often brings more than the success of a loner in this time.

New Moon June 2020

On the summer solstice on June 21, 2020, the next new moon is expected at 08:41 am. It will take place in the zodiac sign Cancer and thus activate mainly family themes. The communal activities are in the foreground and bring fulfillment. In the circle of people from whom a feeling of closeness and security emanates, trust and security arise. The inner arrival is important and the reliance on people around us will do good. It may be that not all plans will be put into practice, but what is newly created will be marked by an emotional note and will appeal to the heart. The satisfaction of the issues that seem important in the present will be. This New Moon is less about quantity and more about achieving the goals that contribute to a positive movement of the mind.

New Moon July 2020

The new moon in July will also occur in the zodiac sign of Cancer. On July 20 at 07:32 pm, the Sun and Moon will meet once again in the zodiac sign. This will repeatedly address family issues. However, unlike the last new moon, there will be connections that will not continue. Through the strength of people who provide support and orientation, the power arises to break away from people or areas in life that are no longer beneficial. Since breakups are described by many people as difficult, the support of others helps immensely. However, the dissolution in one segment will at the same time hold the beginning of something new.

New Moon August 2020

The August 2020 New Moon will bring out our charismatic side. It is on August 19 at 04:41am in the zodiac sign Leo. Making new contacts will be facilitated. Conversations and exchanges with other people will be encouraged. Likewise, contractual matters can be settled well on this new moon day. Those who want to sign new contracts can score on this date by negotiating confidently and wisely. Charm plays a very important role in the success of all negotiations. Especially the male earthlings can also make a good impression on a desired partner. This day is perfect for the start of a new project, as agreements can be made well and all involved will leave meetings with a good feeling.

New Moon September 2020

In September 2020, the new moon is expected on September 17 at 01:00 pm. At noon, the Sun and Moon are in the zodiac sign of Virgo. They activate our industrious side and promote pragmatism. First comes the work and then the pleasurable hours. Every start into a new project should be approached with the necessary commitment. Energy is perceived as a tailwind at this time quality and can be used accordingly. The external perception is also strengthened. The opinions of our fellow men bring a positive resonance and can additionally inspire. The basic energy on this new moon day will be powerful and strong. The tasks to be initiated will be done diligently and diligently. The working bee in us comes out and promises the desired success.

New Moon October 2020

The golden October brings a new moon that touches less the active side in us. Quite the opposite will be the case. On October 16 at 9:30 pm, the new moon is in the zodiac sign Libra. The more we want to accomplish, the less we seem to achieve. This new moon day can be better utilized if we consciously involve the opinions of others. Fate is on our side if we manage to share our ideas and impulses with the right people. Our optimism wanes when we want to rely entirely on our own abilities. Instead, we need to confidently assess our limitations and take them into account accordingly. Those who want to separate or break away from something will be happy about the triggered new moon energy, as it encourages and supports these processes.

New Moon November 2020

The penultimate new moon in 2020 will be in the zodiac sign of Scorpio. On November 15, it will be in the morning hours at 06:07 am. Very deep energies are activated with it. The lucky planet Jupiter is additionally in a good distance and triggers a positive force. Developments are on a pleasant path. Those who concentrate on a new beginning on the new moon day will furthermore perceive themselves powerful and motivated. The appearance, the charisma and the assertiveness will speak for themselves. Strong, full of power and with a clear mind decisions will be made. In addition, intuition is sharpened. This enables decisiveness at the right moment as well as actions that sometimes occur as if by themselves with pinpoint accuracy. We look two steps further than we have to and thus secure advantages for ourselves.

New Moon December 2020

The last new moon of 2020 is on December 14, 2020 at 5:16 pm in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. With it, the need to expand the spiritual horizon comes to life. Other people’s experiences and insights will help one’s own development and bring forth new growth. Conversations will increase and the desire to see oneself in dialogue with others is also enhanced. Above all, contractual matters can be clarified well. It helps to build on the experiences of others. Another person’s word is not always to be taken as credible. Statements should be examined and questioned. This is the way to make good decisions for yourself. A second opinion or good self-research are particularly recommended, as they provide a complete picture and put an end to naivety.

Attention: All data refer to the calculations of the place Hamburg, Germany.
The time changes by a few minutes as soon as you are at a different latitude or location.